100% of your donation/s go to local charities, support agencies and community groups offering support to those in need in Blackpool

Helping the homeless and vulnerable people by providing the right support is fundamental to the Alternative Giving Blackpool campaign. Multi-agency partners and charities work hard to offer a support-led approach to those currently homeless or at risk of homelessness.

By working with the right agencies, we will be able to coordinate positive change in our town. The goal of all involved is to help people get back on their feet, and into a situation where they are safe, healthy, and happy; whilst those involved focus collaboratively and work effectively together to benefit the homeless and vulnerable people here in Blackpool. 

Here’s a quick look at what your donation can buy for someone in need:

Any donation, big or small, really helps those in need. Support our work with a donation via text message.

Street Support

Find out what other support is available in Blackpool, via the Street Support website.